‘Supercritical coal-fired power plant’ – Necessary to promote
advanced technology in power generation for achieving better
efficiency, cleaner and safer environment:
Introduction –
Energy, in general, and electricity in particular, plays a vital role
in improving the standard of life everywhere. World has abundant proven
reserves of coal and thus coal-based thermal power plants dominate
almost everywhere. The development of coal fired supercritical power
plant technology can be described as an evolutionary advancement towards
greater power output per unit and higher efficiency. Energy conversion
efficiency of steam turbine cycle can be improved by increasing the main
steam pressure and temperature.
As name suggests, coal-fired
supercritical power plants operate at very high temperature and pressure
(580 degree centigrade temp. with a pressure of 23 MPa) resulting much
higher heat efficiencies (46%), as compare to sub-critical coal-fired
plants which operates at 455 degree centigrade temp., and efficiency of
within 40%. Some of the benefits of advanced supercritical power plants
(a) Reduced fuel costs due to improved plant efficiency;
(b) Significant improvement of environment by reduction in CO2 emissions;
(c) Plant costs comparable with sub-critical technology and less than other clean coal technologies;
(d) Much reduced NOx, SOx and particulate emissions;
(e) Can be fully integrated with appropriate CO2 capture technology.
Supercritical technology and its advantages -
In other words, supercritical power plants are highly efficient plants
with best available pollution control technology, reduces existing
pollution levels by burning less coal per megawatt-hour produced,
capturing the vast majority of the pollutants. This increases the kWh
produced per kg of coal burned, with fewer emissions.
Because of
the above techno-economic benefits along with its environment-friendly
cleaner technology; more and new power plants are coming-up with this
state-of-the-art technology. As environment legislations are becoming
more stringent, adopting this cleaner technology have benefited
immensely in all respect. As LHV (lower heating value) is improved (from
40% to more than 45%); a one percent increase in efficiency reduces by
two percent, specific emissions such as CO2, NOx, SOx and particulate
is a thermodynamic expression describing the state of a substance where
there is no clear distinction between the liquid and the gaseous phase
(i.e. they are a homogenous fluid). Water reaches this state at a
pressure above 22.1 MPa. The efficiency of the thermodynamic process of a
coal-fired power describes how much of the energy that is fed into the
cycle is converted into electrical energy. The greater the output of
electrical energy for a given amount of energy input, the higher the
efficiency. If the energy input to the cycle is kept constant, the
output can be increased by selecting elevated pressures and temperatures
for the water-steam cycle.
Increased thermal efficiency
observed when the temperature and pressure of the steam is increased. By
raising the temperature from 580 °C to 760 °C and the pressure out of
the high pressure feed-water pump from 33 MPa to 42 MPa, the thermal
efficiency improves by about 4% (Ultra-supercritical steam condition).
there are various operational advantages in case of supercritical power
plant. There are several turbine designs available for use in
supercritical power plants. These designs need not fundamentally differ
from designs used in sub-critical power plants. However, due to the fact
that the steam pressure and temperature are more elevated in
supercritical plants, the wall-thickness and the materials selected for
the high-pressure turbine section need reconsideration. The
supercritical plant needs ‘once-through’ boiler, where as ‘drum’
type boiler is required by sub-critical power plant. In fact,
once-through boilers are better suited to frequent load variations than
drum type boilers, since the drum is a component with a high wall
thickness, requiring controlled heating.
The performance of
supercritical plant depends on steam condition. Steam conditions up to
30 MPa/600°C/620°C are achieved using steels with 12 % chromium content.
Up to 31.5 MPa/620°C/620°C is achieved using Austenite, which is a
proven, but expensive, material. Nickel-based alloys, would permit 35
MPa/700°C/720°C, yielding efficiencies up to 48%. Lot R&D inputs and
allying with suppliers are required to achieve higher performance.
fuel flexibility is not compromised in Once-Through Boilers. A wide
variety of fuels have already been implemented for once-through boilers.
All types of coal as well as oil and gas have been used.
Conclusion – Thus,
new pulverised coal combustion systems – utilising supercritical and
ultra-supercritical technology – operate at increasingly higher
temperatures and pressures and therefore achieve higher efficiencies
than conventional sub-critical units with significant CO2
reductions. The objective of power plants within toady’s market
boundaries is more than ever to ensure high efficiency (to reduce the
environmental impact as much as possible) while at the same time to
increase their economics in competition to existing alternatives. The
development of an economical and efficient concept needs to look at the
steam turbine all other main components like boiler, flue gas cleaning
equipment and the optimization of the water-steam-cycle as main parts
for the optimization.
Current designs of supercritical plants
have installation costs that are only 2% higher than those of
sub-critical plants. Fuel costs are considerably lower due to the
increased efficiency and operating costs are at the same level as
sub-critical plants. Specific installation cost i.e. the cost per
megawatt (MW) decreases with increased plant size. This plant concept
fulfils the requirement to balance reliable power supply, sustainable
use of existing resources and economic operation.
supercritical steam turbine cycle is the leading “clean coal”
technology in widespread application. Supercritical steam cycle
technology has been used for decades and is becoming the system of
choice for new commercial coal-fired plants in many countries. Because
of the high performance, efficiency and preservation of much cleaner
environments than sub-critical coal-fired power plants, more than 500
supercritical coal-fired power plants are operating in the developed
countries like US, Europe, Russia and in Japan. Most of the new power
plants coming up now-a-days are of supercritical coal-fired technology.
Recent plant built in Europe and Asia use supercritical boiler-turbine
technology and China has made this standard on all new plant 600MW and
In fact, Supercritical steam cycles are not just
applicable to coal-fired plant; oil- and gas-fired plants are also well
proven. Research and development is under way for ultra-supercritical
units operating at even higher efficiencies, potentially up to around
50%. The introduction of ultra-supercritical technology has been driven
over recent years in countries such as Denmark, Germany and Japan, in
order to achieve improved plant efficiencies and reduce fuel costs.
Research is focusing on the development of new steels for boiler tubes
and on high alloy steels that minimise corrosion.
- http://environmentengineering.blogspot.com/2008/02/cleaner-coal-fired-supercritical-power.html
- http://environmentengineering.blogspot.com/2008/02/fludised-bed-combustion-fbc-technology.html
- http://www.powergeneration.siemens.com/NR/rdonlyres/025ABC46-9AA8-451B-88D1-FFE1B42B8966/0/2_Balancing_economics.pdf
- Y. Oka and S. Koshizuka, “Supercritical-pressure, once-through cycle light water cooled reactor concept,” Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 1081–1089, 2001.
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